Maintaining Your Furnace – Stilwell

Professional heating repair service companies are always available whenever you need them. The people behind them are well-trained and well-versed in maintaining heating systems. If ever you need their guidance, all you need to do is pick up the phone.


Generally, heating furnaces are easy to maintain. To make sure they run efficiently at all times, it needs proper maintenance. With the help if your HVAC professional, you need to observe the following in order to keep your furnace optimal:

1. Always see if the pilot light is on. See if your furnace’s pilot light is automatically on. If not, it needs to be turned on manually.

2. Check the access doors to the furnace for instructions on how to relight the pilot light. If you are not sure of what to do, call your HVAC professional.

3. Assess the filter. Use a vacuum in removing debris and dust from the unit. Be sure to check your furnace’s filter every month. If it needs replacing, do so. Remember, a dirty filter clogs the flow of air. This clogging overworks the furnace.

4. Always lubricate the furnace’s blower motor.

5. Check the furnace’s burner for any sign of corrosion and remove its flame shield. Turn the fan off when you check the flames. Turn it back on again to see if it is operating properly.

6. See if the flue has dents or gaps. Make sure that its vent is flowing toward the outside of your space.

7. Make sure that the flow is not blocked by any furniture, drapery, or rugs.

8. Have a professional install a carbon monoxide alarm on every floor. Do not forget to have them tested.

If you notice short cycling of less than three minutes, irregular flame, rumbling, chronic illness in the household, and deposits of soot, do not hesitate to call your local heating repair service. This is a sign of carbon monoxide leaking. You can always reach these reliable professionals at 918-822-2096

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